Wednesday, February 23, 2011

bad language

So I know around Valentine's Day I think I put up one of those FML statements (**** my life). It's a cultural trend, mostly among teenagers and younger people, to say negative statements about their life and end it with FML. I was doing it as a joke, as a sort of dark humor. But a friend showed me it was wrong, and I agree. I think doing things as a joke can be funny, but there are other ways to be funny besides using obscenities. And because FML and the words it stands for are the same thing, I shouldn't say them. Nor do I really want to anyway... it's really negative and doesn't get me anywhere. I guess that's another change I'm making this year. As it is, I hardly ever cuss, but that could be even better. I'd be a lot happier with myself if I wasn't saying things that my family would hate if they were here. And since I say I believe that God is more my Father than my earthly father is, then I ought to behave like my Dad is around all the time. Because He is.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Women are different... right?

    • In response to Chiao's post saying "After cru talk i thought, man... Women is another organism!"

    We should talk about that sometime man. I think it's noble for ministry leaders to discuss it, but I think that sometimes it can be a little destructive. For instance, setting boundaries without actually doing anything else beneath the surface is pointless. You must have a different attitude regarding women to keep yourself from making bad decisions. Making external rules does nothing but make us frustrated. That make sense? Sometimes all the purity talk does is make us very tired, frustrated, uptight people who don't trust each other when it comes to sex.

    Openly talking about it is good. Thinking to yourself about appropriate boundaries is good too. But as for manufacturing a set of "this is what women and men should and shouldn't do" and enforcing it on many people robs those people of their ability to think for themselves. We all need to ask ourselves if we really want to guard our hearts or not, and then go with whatever we decide, without fooling ourselves.
    3 minutes ago · 

  • George W. Davis IV I think the whole "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" idea is really sexist towards both genders and is also very outdated. We have a lot of differences, duh, but I think that in reality it's not that hard to understand most of a woman's mind if you really try and listen to them.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is the Golden Rule really a rule?

In a sense, yes. It is a required ingredient in becoming more like Christ.

But the great thing about the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) is that it's really more than a rule. It's a way of life, something your heart loves to do. No rule by itself could really be so life-giving as this. That's another reason why in giving us the "Law of Love", God has actually set us free from the law. Because it's not just a rule, a boundary. It's loving loyalty.

And that's really more than any rule could ever produce.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A day with George sounds like this

Woke up at 6:50... Couldn't get back to sleep... MONDAY WHY YOU NO LIKE ME :_(

Krusty Krab pizza song in the shower... You know you love it

I'm glad I didn't see the halftime show. Black eyed peas belong in my stomach, not in my music please. thanks

I still don't know what a ugoogalizer is

I'm basically an iron chef, except... without the iron. Although I did just iron my shirt. I guess that makes me a... dangit. Guess I am.

No texts or emails all day! What is going on? Has EVERYBODY DIED?!

Warming up leftovers, because that's what smart, efficient, prudent, and very poor people do.

I have decided that BAKED ALASKA shall be my new family-appropriate curseword for the month. Thoughts?

Top 3 fears of 90's parents: inappropriate cartoons, bullies, bike accidents. Top 3 fears of 2K parents: how to pay for your children's ipods and still afford food, how to keep your 12 year old daughter chaste, and wondering where the TV remote got to. Yeah, I miss my childhood, I'm not gonna lie.

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Joshua Pake has just informed me that his new family-appropriate curseword is now SMOKED RUSSIA. I believe my dear BAKED ALASKA has started a trend. Adopt your own!

The wonderful thing about FB is that I can log out of it whenever I want. I can log out of life too. It's called sleep!

Let's face it, all Japanese names sound like the noise of a katana cutting through a rhino's body.

I think my brain is subconsciously reacting to Valentine's Day by working up a good sense of humor so I know how to laugh at myself when I'm all alone.

If I eat any more Swedish fish, I just might turn into a fish. I've given up hope of actually becoming Kevin Bacon though.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sympathy from Starfish

"Hey Spongebob, maybe if I tell you a story, it'll make you feel better."


"Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died."

"That didn't help at all!"

Watch here.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A sun and its flower.

People are like flowers. We're small, inconsequential... Still, what can we do? What can a flower do that is consequential and significant? When all is said and done, we're just dust and water gracefully arranged into bodies. Therefore, we must somehow relate to Something that lasts forever... God. A flower can only stand up tall, in all 3 inches of its glory, and point to Him. Not even Solomon in all his splendor was arrayed as one of these! 

Tonight many things rest on the hinge of a moment, just as every day. Crises are not rare. They happen every day. People die, they face that trauma and hopelessness. People wreck, get shot. Life is spilled so gracelessly on the merciless rocks of the earth. Yet, flowers grow in the cracks. Flowers like you and me. We must persist, despite the death and destruction, despite the sin and decay, despite the pollution and noise, and despite the temptation for greener grasses in which to root. 

You and I, we are the same. I sin, you sin, we all sin. We're equal. Turning to the mess around us, let us race for Christ, and run like athletes, though our enemies tear us to pieces. You know this goal is all that matters. Your life is not your own. You were seeded by God, a seedling that points to how wonderful He is. Look! He made billions of blossoms just like you! They are the body of Christ. Each one is the same, yet different and valuable. Each blossom needs the same things you do. The firm, warm, dark soil of Christ calls gently... do not deny your roots. Here is the cradle of all life, who can deny it? For from God comes every being, and their healing. 

Stretch your stalk to the sky. Try to reach that Sun, claim it for yourself. Grasp it with your petals, for your very own. Can you reach it? No. None can reach up to the Glory that is the Sustenance of all life. For life falls short of His glory, hopelessly, miserably, even ignorantly. For a flower that turns its back on the sun will perish and wither, another hopeless cause lost among the flowering beds of blossoms beside the stream of Time. 

Yes, on its own, a flower is just a flower. But when it knows its place, a humble mote of carbon and chlorophyll blessed and provided with a handful of soil and water (for us, Christ and the Word), it knows one thing: the Meaning of Life. And that is this: loving Christ is all we need. And so a flower and its Sun unite, perfectly completing each other in union. Yet a flower can never hope to lend anything to the Sun; the Sun needs nothing from the flower.  But it smiles on it anyway. And so the flower lives no more for its own glory. It belongs to the Sun now.

Winter comes. Petals begin to fall. Old and new... they are the same. The flower is bathed lovingly in its Lover's arms as it passes, just one more beautiful word in the story of Time. 

Oh Stubborn Heart, poem

Oh stubborn heart inside of me
The strength of which will always fail
The Lord on High abides in thee
Though oft for Him your love grows stale.

You’ve gone thus far and reached the heights
To which you never dreamt you’d climb
Yet each new mountain in your sights
Convinces you you’ve lost this time.

And in each pit of dark and gloom
You think you’ve lost it all, and yet
Your God reminds you every time
To seek him more than old regrets.

You always make it through the pain
And stand amazed with newfound joy
When God comes through still once again
And saves you from things that destroy.

There’s nothing you can do or say
To steel yourself for scars to come
Let God be God, and though cliché
Without that truth you will succumb.

Your gift from God is frailty
To make you see sooner than most
That without God, you can’t be free
Or have a strength of which to boast.

So let me fight, says God, your fights
And let me stand beside you here
Courageously we’ll hew the knights
Of darkness in your heart that sneer.

And joyfully you’ll understand
Your strength is not your own, but mine
And as your tormentors disband
You’ll love me past the end of Time.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To love myself, poem

To love myself is like to fight
The tow and tide of oceans deep
I'm not unlike a lonely kite
Locked fast inside a dark storm's keep.

To be a child is to love,
Impulsively without refrain
A man's heart, though, must rise above
The past and hurt that there remain.

So bruised and tired I must try
To keep myself afloat amid
The waves that crush. Alone I cry
In darkness from all help I'm hid.

And yet, somehow, a hope lies here
Inside this heart that's inside out
I see it plain, though quite austere
My life will soon be straightened out.

I know my heart's a treasure chest
Of selfless love and innocence
I just forget that I am blessed,
A prince with an inheritance.

To see what you have seen in me
And love myself the way you can
I want so much. How can I reach
What you've said I already am?

Dark and long has been my night
And faded has my flower been
But you have told me deep inside
Me lies the daytime that will win.

For so can blossoms never fail
And blooms will ever rise to meet
Love's sunshine that will yet avail
Me in my heart so dark and deep.