Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How can this be?

What is it that turns young children into teenagers who rush to spoil Christ's perfect name in worthless curses and sayings? What is it that turns the word "heck" into "hell"? What is it that makes a kid go from "Oh my gosh!" to "Oh my God?" It's heartbreaking. Even as I want to sin, I hear something like that and my desire is suddenly powerless and dead because I realize that the evil one is after my brothers. I hate Satan. He tempts me in every way until I am stretched like a bowstring and then he "twangs" me simply to piss me off. I am suffering, but it is worthless unless for Christ. I may not be giving into my sin, but if I am not loving Christ in the midst and walking with Him, then how can it help me? I'll simply cave in to my sin.

I came into the room the other day to find my brother watching some girls wearing revealing costumes. He's a teenager and such is normal. But it made me awful mad inside. Because I see what's going on here. It's not just "normal" and boys will be boys. It's the roots of desire being planted... it's entertaining thoughts in your mind that are best left dormant. These thoughts will very soon spiral out of control if they have not already done so. Sin starts as thoughts and moves to behavior. It's the means by which our vines of sexuality grow outside of the fences God erected, entangling our lives in a mess that is truly hard to mentally prune back. I claim no innocence.

I'm fighting a war here. It is no war for pansies. It is a real freakin scary bloody messy hard war and I'm just finding that out. I'm bleeding and struggling to stand up and keep going and sometimes I wonder what I'm fighting for. Right now I just want to give in and quit because joining Satan's army has tons of great benefits. Then I get moments where the glory of my King comes to my eyes and I see with my heart how beautiful what I'm fighting for is. Then I feel stronger and can fight my enemy off. My Christianity has never been more passionate.

But this war is not for wimps or those with cold feet. It is not for lukewarm Christians. It is for those who understand that what you live your life for is the same thing as what you really LOVE. In other words, GET STRAIGHT what you love most (Christ) and chase Him for the rest of your life! I sure as hell am not perfect, but I understand that following the hardest path ever made (the path to Heaven) is something you must do by hacking your way through, not by whistling and strolling along all pompous and carefree, seeking prosperity and the best of both worlds. In order to stop it, you must take seriously what will kill you. If Satan is really the prowling lion of Scripture, he can definitely maul you in the dead of night.

I know that God can do amazing things and He does. I know that He can soften the hardest of hearts and surprise us every day of our lives. But this may not be enough to sustain you if you do not chase Christ with your thoughts. Even in the times your head is about to explode from so much temptation and strain, you must get alone and break yourself open before God, Humpty-Dumpty style, revealing whatever rotten egg lays inside. Confess it. Give it to Him and He will give you a new one. Who put Humpty freakin Dumpty back together? GOD!

My strength wanes and is compromised. Yet somehow I'm different inside. I BURN with a righteous anger when I think of doing wrong, because even though I want to, my heart has changed. I can't explain it. It hasn't always been that way. But tonight, I'm fighting fire with fire.

For the Word of God is just as much a roaring blaze as it is cool Living Water. And sometimes, it will be your only friend when things get hot. Life is fierce and will knock your teeth out. It is not easy or pleasant to be Christian.

Remember your strength. Do not abandon it and take the easy way. It's here, waiting for you... look: Here is your helm of salvation, your crown jewel. And here is your shield of faith... look how it shimmers with a reflection of the Glory of God. Here are your shoes of evangelistic peace... they're better broken in. Guard your heart and your trust with the breastplate of righteousness. And keep those pants up with the belt of Truth. You have no excuse as a Christian to be caught with your pants down, unprepared. And finally, my brother and sister... your sword. It is the mere Word of the Most High God. Remember how it cut through your darkest moments and saved you.

May God bless you with guts and glory. You're going to need it.


  1. Usually I just read your blog and don't take the time to comment, I should probably comment more. But I really wanted to say that's some good stuff! God has been growing you into a warrior for His kingdom over the past couple of months and I rejoice in that for you and for myself because I know that I have a strong brother fighting at my side!
