What I have to say in this blog is very important. Most of the time I'm spitballing at topics cause I feel like it, but this one actually means something to me and it's somewhat serious because it determines how obedient we are to God.
Recently, I have had the privilege of receiving many support letters to help my friends out on summer mission/evangelism projects. I say "privilege" because it is an honor to invest in eternity and to put a smile on my friends' faces when they meet their financial goals. Hope is a great thing. I love you guys!
I have noticed that in most letters, people say "God is calling me", etc. frequently. Seldom do I hear "I want to go and serve." Listening to God is great! But sometimes we wait forever and ever for help in a decision when He wants us to just act. Recently I listened to a podcast that really opened my eyes on this. There is absolutely nothing wrong with listening for God's call... that's wonderful!
But sometimes a nasty little problem arises.
Sometimes... we can become so focused on listening to that little voice in the back of our minds, that we forget something very critical to understand. You'll understand what I mean in a minute.
I have a story for you from the podcast I mentioned. I'll paraphrase it.
Matt Chandler: "So are you going on that missions project?"
Young man: "I don't think so. I prayed about it, but I didn't feel God calling me there. If I went, it would only be out of obedience."
Matt Chandler (thoughts): Well... what's wrong with obedience?
Wow! What's wrong with obedience to God, and doing what you know would please Him? What a faithless people we are, that we wait for a sign and don't just act! This is a HUGE deal, guys!
Sometimes, God's call isn't something we can hear. Sometimes it's in the opportunities you have to serve Him. And then the choice is up to you. Are you going to serve Him out of obedience, or are you waiting forever for a sign? A message in your alphabet soup, perhaps? Sometimes it's not going to be clear. Sometimes God won't tell you at all what He wants.
So basically, I'm not saying anything bad about you guys, my friends, doing missions. I love that you love God enough to do it. I just hope that regardless of whether you "feel" a tug or a direction, that you're willing to do what you know is inherently pleasing to God. That's probably why you're going, and I hope that's always your motivation.
I've seen people switch ministries and churches because they say "God is calling me there". And He may very well be! But the question I need to raise is this: Are you following your own desires and labeling them as God's, saying it must be His way because you feel like that? Or are you taking a step out in faith, in obedience?
This fatal mistake in thinking has caused me to avoid many a homeless person because I don't "feel" that God is calling me to do what's inconvenient: give a few dollars, a few minutes, and maybe, God forbid, tell them the Gospel.
Maybe, God forbid, you college kids should get up off the couch and stop watching Sportscenter reruns... and eat a vegetable, being a good steward of your time and body.
Are you beginning to see that just because you feel it, it doesn't make it God's call? And are you beginning to see that just because you don't feel it, it doesn't mean God doesn't want you to do it?
Maybe, God forbid, you should go to a dangerous war-torn country and risk your life for the Gospel. Is that not what we're commanded to do? Is that not what the saints robed in white around the feet of Jesus up in Heaven did, in their time on earth? They counted it all as loss for the sake of Christ, the only treasure that matters, period. In this country, we love "cheap grace". Not having to give up anything to get Jesus. In some countries, it might cost you a hand, or your life.
Consider the true story of this guy: He spent years upon years preparing for missions in Africa. He landed there and was stepping off the plane and was immediately killed with an arrow. His death spurred a huge wave of missionaries and subsequent Christian success in Africa. So... maybe God's will is for you to die. I bet you're not envying that guy. Yet... maybe... that will be you Maybe it will be me. Read James 4.
I really hope you read this with open ears and it hits you. I hope I don't turn deaf to it myself.
you just graduated and your already calling us "you college kids".
ReplyDeleteI believe God speaks today, though I don't think I've ever experienced a call from God and I don't understand what that even means, I think the "God is leading me to.." is abused in the church.
that being said, I agree with you, we can't sit around and wait for God to spell out in the stars what he already calls us to do in the bible.
This is our "call": (Isaiah 42:6-7)
"I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness;
I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you
to be a covenant for the people
and a light for the Gentiles,
to open eyes that are blind,
to free captives from prison,
and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness."
Thanks Wes!