So yeah. The sermon on Hell was really good and I enjoyed the beginning video. I will say that I definitely didn't process it like you guys did at small group, though. Very good points you had.
I think if we really believed in Hell, we would act more out of compassion than obligation.
Back in my early days, I had a belief in God, but was that belief in His existence enough? No. Similarly, just because I believe factually that there is a Hell, that doesn't mean this weak grasp of a distant concept was enough to convict me of just what it is and HOW I should live as a result. I think I need to dive into this concept more and explore it instead of tucking it into the back of my mind where I put all the bad things about myself.
NOTICE ONE MISCONCEPTION in the above pro King-James pamphlet. Satan is standing by, dominating the scene cause he's bigger than the other people, and he's obviously not in pain. This is NOT true or Biblical. Satan right now is on earth, and he will one day be cast into Hell, which is run by God, not Satan. Hell was prepared specifically for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41).
So when you listen to the song American Pie, remember that Satan won't be "laughing with delight" and it's a lie that "fire is the devil's only friend".
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