Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday 17th Update

I just wanted to vomit up some random details of my life and what happened today even though no one's reading. Today, we did evangelism on Polytechnic University, a division of NYU. Engineering school... get your degree, and get out. Little on-campus housing = little campus involvement in clubs from students. So the students aren't mostly accustomed to talking about religion or having it surface outside of school.

So today at Polytech, (we were doing surveys on religiosity) and my friend did a survey with this guy who wasn't really involved. I'd say that he was isolated and a little lost, but he did at least identify God as his friend and helper. We got his contact info, and we'll follow up. We really wanna go through the 4 spiritual laws with him (the gospel summarized). Anyway, my friends Alex and Andrea actually brought some guy to Christ today. They went through the KGP (4 spiritual laws) and they were talking about God's love and salvation and rescue and he said "yeah i really want that" or something like that and they prayed a prayer with him. So that was awesome and we were really excited about that. I mean hey, Christ does amazing things and His power is present and working, and we were honored to witness that.

I myself had an interesting conversation with a Hindu man. We both parted with mutual respect for each other. Both I and he agree that a personal, meaningful faith is essential and that to say you believe something but not actually really care about it or use it is a tragedy.

Let's just say that today I also learned that life is full of highs and lows you can't foresee. And for my mistakes and the times that I hurt people, intentionally or not, I am so sorry...


  1. I'm really enjoying your posts George! and i have to say the last one you wrote I can totally relate to...I was kind of the same way last summer, after the first couple outreaches i realiezd I didn't have a heart or passion for the people in daytona and so it's just really humbling to realize that i guess? it's also comforting (i guess) to know that i'm not the only one who's faced that-and still am struggling with compassion for people who aren't saved. that's all :) looking forward to more updates and pictures!

    (ths is becca hartman by the way, i don't have my own blog and the only way i figured i can leave comments is through my screen name thru AIM, lol)

  2. Yea- polytech is a tough school. I'm guessing that you are taking advantage of the mall type area by the school... I'm so pumped about the news about Alex! Amazing to see God moving!

    I think NYC is just longing and reaching out for the answer. They are just waiting for somebody to share it with them.

    Looking forward to seeing you a week from Tuesday!

