Monday, June 22, 2009

A Taste for Adventure

ADVENTURE. The advent of something new. We all crave it. We're lost and depressed without it.

I have discovered that True Christianity, if we take it to heart and focus on God instead of ourselves, will give us a satisfying understanding that there is ALWAYS something new to do, some new terrifying task like talking to that guy over there about Christ, or wandering through African jungles spreading the gospel to suspicious natives who have never heard of Him.

Men and women alike have a thirst for adventure. It's the reason we ride roller coasters and run away from home. It's the reason people do drugs and try to avoid fitting in with the crowd. It's the reason we love car trips to the mountains and our first time sailing. We hunger for experiences that give us more. Think not everyone is like that? Think again. Even kids these days hunger for more. Why do you think they keep buying more and more expensive gaming consoles and go through a game every month? They love defeating things and moving on to more novel pursuits.

In Christ, we will do some of the most unexpected things. Who else goes up to someone and in genuinely caring about their soul, shares their faith? Don't you think that is scary? Don't you think that is unexpected? Don't you think that's what we need to actually change the world?

God has been challenging me to give up my crap and shift my focus. It's no longer about me, but about Christ. Or at least, that's what I hope. It's an ongoing battle.

I just want to leave you with this idea: if you're left unsatisfied in your natural yearning for adventure and passionate living, you haven't yet realized the radical nature of what we believe. Because believe it or not, it is actually VERY HARD to believe a virgin had a baby, somehow that baby was God, and that He knows every hair on everyone's head ever made before and after his birth and death. That's a lot of people to know... let alone care about. So you can be sure, Christianity is radical. And religion for the sake of religion is a sham. A religion is more about rules than about love and believing the unexpected and impossible will happen. A RELATIONSHIP is the only thing that will give you genuine heartfelt desires of love and peace.

Why do you think the whole world wants Heaven? To save their own skins. Naturally. What people don't understand is this: there are some people who genuinely don't want to go to Heaven just to save their skin. The key is this: the Christian life is characterized by brokenness. Once broken, we realize that this state of mind is possible, in which we really GENUINELY don't care about saving our own skins. That's not why we want to go to Heaven.

Ask yourself this... if Heaven and Hell were the same amazingly good place, and the only difference is that God were not in Hell, would you still want to go to Heaven? Do you really want God's company? Do you talk to Him everyday and listen to Him like an "abba", or "daddy"?

Join the movement. It's to die for.


  1. Dang! Thats a heavy post... I have really been wrestling with realizing the radicalness of Christianity. Thats the problem growing up in church... virgin birth and God's soverignty is not radical- when its absolutely crazy!

    -Awesome bro... love it!
