For some reason I can think of nothing else but God in this song. New Divide, by Linkin Park. Heard it on Transformers. My roommate Tom agrees... it sounds Christian in content. But then again, a song can mean whatever you want it to. Enjoy. Brad, I think we have some good material for a Discovery video here. You used Flyleaf before, and that's more extreme in its sound than this in my opinion.
I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me
I remembered each flash as time began to blur
Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve
So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide
There was nothing in sight but memories left abandoned
There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in between where we were standing
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve
So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes across this new divide
In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you'd deny
And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve
So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide
Across this new divide, across this new divide
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
What do YOU think?
Do I come off as a total _____ in my blog? Tell me what you think.
The reason is, I get kinda fired up about what I believe and... I feel like I might just sound like some hothead.
The reason is, I get kinda fired up about what I believe and... I feel like I might just sound like some hothead.
Get dressed (because I said so)
It looks almost like a track listing off some strange CD. I think it belongs there, rather than in church.
For a long time I have dressed up for church, so it is nothing new to me. I like to look nice, and I grew up having everything I ever needed and most of the stuff I wanted, so I can say that when it comes to puffing myself up in appearance and self-esteem, it was relatively easy.
Today in about 4.5 hours, I'm going to have to get up for church. We're going to a gospel assembly type service in Harlem... and the service starts at 8 AM. We're dressing up for it. My roommates were throwing around perspectives on dressing up for church and we all come from somewhat different backgrounds (although Aaron and I were both Methodists). We're different people, yet similar. Anyway, I said basically this... when did we ever think that giving God our best meant changing our outside and not our inside? and the crowd said, AMEN. And Aaron did too... gotta love him.
Our self-image and what we think of as "dressy" or "fine" or "classy" is nothing compared to the majesty of God, and it is not what He asks of us. He tells us that it is by faith we are saved, not by works. So because anything you try to do is an empty pursuit, let us throw off the chains that hinder us and run this race without feeling like we have to fulfill requirements. I just think if we truly understood, all of us, that nothing we do or wear even matters to God at all, that "putting our best before God" would look differently. In fact, I might even add, that it's the wrong idea. God sees the worst in us, so being as presentable as possible really has no functional place in the big picture.
HOWEVER. I realize that plenty of people who dress up for church keep God on their hearts all day and live passionate lives for him. I've just never met many. When I started going to my church in Greenville, I found more than a building with people my age and a colorful light show every service during the worship music. I found a place that I could go and be myself. You see, we're very busy people... and our time and our attention is a precious commodity. To concentrate on looking good during the scant free time on sunday morning is to shift my focus from God, onto my clothes. Please listen... he (or she) who has ears to hear, let him (or her) hear. For I am not here to condemn clothes or "make it an issue." (Keep in mind, if you take time out of your day to do it, it's at least somewhat of an issue already. You have to buy, iron, fold, store, put on dress clothes... they're not instant things.) For me, however, it was a distraction from better things. To change your life, you don't add things. You take things out and replace them with new things. Why? because you can't create more time in a day, that's why. You submit your sin to God, and replace it with the Word. You remove potato chips and creme brulee, and you replace it with _______ (choices include Diet drinks, Nutrisystem, or Richard Simmons... it's a free country).
Take out the bad, add the good. So take out the focus on clothes and having everything ironed, and put on your favorite shirt. Cause that way, you won't be thinking about it. And your wife won't have to dedicate any last-minute time to ironing your shirt. And your kid won't be near tears because his outdated shirt, the one you forgot to replace, is too tight. What possesses you to get vocal about your son's top button being undone, but when it comes to the non-Christian he dates or the way he never prays, you remain silent?
Funny how shopping for Sunday clothes is that much more burdensome. Now see, what can you cut from your life to make it that much less stressful? Take out the emphasis on having clothes that are "good enough", because you can't be good enough. Replace that emphasis with a desire to be with Christ.
I'm gonna quote Tim Keller here. He pastors a church here in NYC, and he's an author of books including The Prodigal God. He said this highly useful quote.
"Stop trying to be more like Jesus, and start trying to be with Him."
For you see, in trying to be like someone, it's a works-based pursuit. Self-worth in what you do = not good. However, if you try to be "with" Christ, it's more of a faith-based pursuit because it's based in your mind. In your faith. Faith, not works. Read Galatians. You'll find that's my favorite book to promote.
Tim is not saying here that trying to be like Jesus is wrong. He is saying that you can never be totally like Jesus. You will always fail. However, try to be with Him, and you will develop a faith that breeds its own works. Then you will not be without the good works you desire so much.
So when it comes down to Sunday morning, I need to prepare my heart for worship while I still have time in the morning. Because I'm rushed enough anyway, and my focus is needed elsewhere... on Christ. Not my tie. I need to go to church in a state of mind that loves God... fully broken and humble, not accessorized and sophisticated. And one more status step away from the poor. Start questioning yourself, and what you can do to change what it is that you value here in the moment. Because I do think we need change. And it's not really Obama... it's Jesus. And Jesus will ALWAYS change your life in unexpected ways. It starts with you surrendering yourself in this moment to Him. Do it often, do it with full desire. Pray something like this...
Christ, you are King and you deserve all creation bowing down to you for the rest of eternity. I am nothing compared to your glory, and although day in and day out I get caught up in myself, as if I'm so important... I pray that you break me apart. The selfish creature that I am needs to die to sin and live in You. As You told us through Paul, "what is your life? It is but a wisp of dust that lingers & vanishes." We're nothing, Lord... but you love us anyway. I submit the worst of me... the filth that haunts me and the chains that bind me... to You. The things I hate about myself. Or at least, I'm trying. Give me strength, Lord. You work slowly, but you work surely (Habakkuk 2:3). I focus on so many things, God... money, relationships, fun, leisure, and image... but you remind me that I'm fallen short of You no matter what I do. It's all loss, it's all crap, compared to You. I pray that you forever haunt my thoughts, that You might never leave me alone.
That's all I have to say about that.
For a long time I have dressed up for church, so it is nothing new to me. I like to look nice, and I grew up having everything I ever needed and most of the stuff I wanted, so I can say that when it comes to puffing myself up in appearance and self-esteem, it was relatively easy.
Today in about 4.5 hours, I'm going to have to get up for church. We're going to a gospel assembly type service in Harlem... and the service starts at 8 AM. We're dressing up for it. My roommates were throwing around perspectives on dressing up for church and we all come from somewhat different backgrounds (although Aaron and I were both Methodists). We're different people, yet similar. Anyway, I said basically this... when did we ever think that giving God our best meant changing our outside and not our inside? and the crowd said, AMEN. And Aaron did too... gotta love him.
Our self-image and what we think of as "dressy" or "fine" or "classy" is nothing compared to the majesty of God, and it is not what He asks of us. He tells us that it is by faith we are saved, not by works. So because anything you try to do is an empty pursuit, let us throw off the chains that hinder us and run this race without feeling like we have to fulfill requirements. I just think if we truly understood, all of us, that nothing we do or wear even matters to God at all, that "putting our best before God" would look differently. In fact, I might even add, that it's the wrong idea. God sees the worst in us, so being as presentable as possible really has no functional place in the big picture.
HOWEVER. I realize that plenty of people who dress up for church keep God on their hearts all day and live passionate lives for him. I've just never met many. When I started going to my church in Greenville, I found more than a building with people my age and a colorful light show every service during the worship music. I found a place that I could go and be myself. You see, we're very busy people... and our time and our attention is a precious commodity. To concentrate on looking good during the scant free time on sunday morning is to shift my focus from God, onto my clothes. Please listen... he (or she) who has ears to hear, let him (or her) hear. For I am not here to condemn clothes or "make it an issue." (Keep in mind, if you take time out of your day to do it, it's at least somewhat of an issue already. You have to buy, iron, fold, store, put on dress clothes... they're not instant things.) For me, however, it was a distraction from better things. To change your life, you don't add things. You take things out and replace them with new things. Why? because you can't create more time in a day, that's why. You submit your sin to God, and replace it with the Word. You remove potato chips and creme brulee, and you replace it with _______ (choices include Diet drinks, Nutrisystem, or Richard Simmons... it's a free country).
Take out the bad, add the good. So take out the focus on clothes and having everything ironed, and put on your favorite shirt. Cause that way, you won't be thinking about it. And your wife won't have to dedicate any last-minute time to ironing your shirt. And your kid won't be near tears because his outdated shirt, the one you forgot to replace, is too tight. What possesses you to get vocal about your son's top button being undone, but when it comes to the non-Christian he dates or the way he never prays, you remain silent?
Funny how shopping for Sunday clothes is that much more burdensome. Now see, what can you cut from your life to make it that much less stressful? Take out the emphasis on having clothes that are "good enough", because you can't be good enough. Replace that emphasis with a desire to be with Christ.
I'm gonna quote Tim Keller here. He pastors a church here in NYC, and he's an author of books including The Prodigal God. He said this highly useful quote.
"Stop trying to be more like Jesus, and start trying to be with Him."
For you see, in trying to be like someone, it's a works-based pursuit. Self-worth in what you do = not good. However, if you try to be "with" Christ, it's more of a faith-based pursuit because it's based in your mind. In your faith. Faith, not works. Read Galatians. You'll find that's my favorite book to promote.
Tim is not saying here that trying to be like Jesus is wrong. He is saying that you can never be totally like Jesus. You will always fail. However, try to be with Him, and you will develop a faith that breeds its own works. Then you will not be without the good works you desire so much.
So when it comes down to Sunday morning, I need to prepare my heart for worship while I still have time in the morning. Because I'm rushed enough anyway, and my focus is needed elsewhere... on Christ. Not my tie. I need to go to church in a state of mind that loves God... fully broken and humble, not accessorized and sophisticated. And one more status step away from the poor. Start questioning yourself, and what you can do to change what it is that you value here in the moment. Because I do think we need change. And it's not really Obama... it's Jesus. And Jesus will ALWAYS change your life in unexpected ways. It starts with you surrendering yourself in this moment to Him. Do it often, do it with full desire. Pray something like this...
Christ, you are King and you deserve all creation bowing down to you for the rest of eternity. I am nothing compared to your glory, and although day in and day out I get caught up in myself, as if I'm so important... I pray that you break me apart. The selfish creature that I am needs to die to sin and live in You. As You told us through Paul, "what is your life? It is but a wisp of dust that lingers & vanishes." We're nothing, Lord... but you love us anyway. I submit the worst of me... the filth that haunts me and the chains that bind me... to You. The things I hate about myself. Or at least, I'm trying. Give me strength, Lord. You work slowly, but you work surely (Habakkuk 2:3). I focus on so many things, God... money, relationships, fun, leisure, and image... but you remind me that I'm fallen short of You no matter what I do. It's all loss, it's all crap, compared to You. I pray that you forever haunt my thoughts, that You might never leave me alone.
That's all I have to say about that.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sy Rogers: the MAN, the MYTH, the LEGEND
One word.
At least click on it or look it up. This guy is INCREDIBLE. He told me more today than I have EVER learned at one time in my life. He broke down 9 reasons we sin and 9 redemptive factors in life. It broke down life into easy-to-understand aspects that covered everything... I can't even BEGIN to explain it. This man is needed SO BAD in this generation of sexually wounded people, or even if you aren't, any sin you have or any problem you have can be addressed according to the way Sy breaks life down.
He uses cutting-edge research the APA publishes along with twenty-plus years of experience to explain what's happening psychologically when, say, a boy is raised with no male father, or a girl is sexually abused, or a guy self-identifies as homosexual in an attempt to get love from the same sex because his father didn't self-express love to him. He explains it so well, it all makes sense, it was just great stuff, and he has DVDs online at his website... and it was the BEST TALK OF MY LIFE! Clarified so many things for me and gave me a clear vision of how to handle life even if I don't have all the answers right now.
This man will change your life if you watch his life story speech and his other stuff. He condensed a 45 hour course into 6 hours, so that's how long we sat and listened to him, with three breaks in between. It flew by.
Special thanks to God for bringing Sy to speak with us and to Sy himself, for the man was once trying to obtain love by being a self-professed homosexual, but God saved him. And he genuinely had those desires.
BEFORE READING. If I get emotional, it's because I have a lot in my past that still makes me grit my teeth. I'm giving it to Christ, but it is not an instant event. Jesus never said forgiving took seconds, or days, or any other time.
Sy told us this key pivot point of his talk. God didn't say "try to be straight, Sy.", but rather "give up your past and follow me!" Do not focus on the symptoms people, focus on the cause, don't criticize people and tell them to stop being gay, focus on the cause, redeem them through Christ and show His love! What redeems you is not "being straight" but being redeemed through Christ and having faith in him! Read Galatians and Colossians 3:23! Why do you think that God made being gay even possible? Surely you don't think it's incurable! Surely you don't think it's an inescapable stigma! Surely you aren't convinced that it is somehow greater than any of your least noticeable sins!
For in the end it is not obeying the law that saves us. It is not following norms and pleasing people's expectations or obeying any rule at all. And all sin is equal... for it makes us fallen.
I never heard this version of Christianity before college.
We are saved by faith in Jesus. What a revolutionary idea! That suddenly in order to "win", we must first not "try to be sexually straight", but rather painfully and slowly give our burdens and emotional insecurities to Christ! THANK GOD FOR THAT! Thank God that the goal is not simply becoming straight (becoming righteous through what we do is impossible, just read Galatians), but rather THE GOAL IS INVITING JESUS IN and saying YES GOD IT IS YOU I NEED SO MUCH RIGHT NOW, my life is in ruins and I'm shattered, I SUBMIT my filth and my heart to you! Teach me to resolve my problems and address them, not rely on you for a magical zapping instant cure! Teach me to LOVE YOU more than any other thing!
For with sin, the only way to conquer it is to love God more. It all comes down to desires. Colossians 3:23. Look it up. Rules like "don't eat, don't touch, don't masturbate, don't cuss, DON'T SPEED, don't flick someone off" DON'T WORK! They do NOT WORK! How do you stop then? BY FREAKIN FAITH! FAITH FAITH FAITH! Faith in Jesus when you give Him your life in utter submission and you say to Christ "no matter how long it takes, make me into the kind of person You want me to be".
Everybody is fallen.
Everybody hungers for love.
Everybody is a sexual creature.
For these reasons, we mess up, and big time. And although people will HATE you, and devalue you, and spit in your face however metaphorically, God WILL PICK YOU. God picks the people that NO ONE ELSE picks.
Ultimately, God didn't say "Obey me and love!" to be a contolling rule freak. It was out of love!
Psalm 103. David says, "God does not treat me like my sin deserves." That is the definition of grace.
And because most pastors in the conservative Christian church seldom if ever take an active role in self-disclosing the truth that they aren't perfect, somehow they establish this air about them that they are. By default, if they don't go into detail about how they're ordinary fallen people, we are led to believe that they are somehow more righteous, especially in the sexual realm. But according to Sy, anointing and appointing do not make you invincible to sexual impurity. Look at all the scandals! Don't you think they all thought they were above that? If they hadn't, they wouldn't have hid it so long.
Do you hunger for good, applicable sermons? Try addressing some REAL issues! How about sexual violation? At least one in eleven boys has been sexually violated by their late teenage years! At that rate, don't you think your church has some? Don't you think they need to hear that? What holds you back as a distributor of God's love from preaching about that stuff? It messes people up, it's a real problem! You are like the people written to in Hebrews who are living off of spiritual "baby food"! You aren't maturing and exploring deep applicable issues, but instead, you are going over the same material year after year! Feel-good stories! and what's more, you do little to get diverse opinions of the same story or parable for different perspectives! Bible reruns are NOT GOOD for the soul!
The world is crying out for you and me! People are hurting! And Sy said that most of the time, it's not that they don't know God, it's just that they doubt his character. Are you ready to model the kind of tolerance and love that God showed you, as filthy as you and I are? Can you really stand beside a lesbian her whole life and watch her defoul her body and waste away in unfulfillment while you withdraw your love and attention from her? Have you not misused your body before too? Have you not drank or masturbated or had sex or smoked or anything physically or psychologically harmful, that you are without sin? Get out there, make friends, and DEAL WITH IT. If you want mercy, give it. But to forgive, you have to accept forgiveness first. And to accept forgiveness, you have to realize you are utterly more sinful than you ever deemed possible. People are confused about Christianity because they do things in the wrong order. Do it in that order, and you will understand that there is a stepping stone #1, and 2, and 3...
Lastly, I'll make a point regarding bad relationships. Ever wanna know why two people stay together even if it sucks? Because everyone needs love, bad love is better than no love at all. Feed off of God or off of somebody, but feed you will. Bad bread is better than no bread.
Amazing thing about Christ, according to Psalm 107, is this: He doesn't take away my appetite. He just satisfies it rightly.
Praise God that I finally have something to live passionately for! Even if I do go on "talking on and on like a fool", as Paul puts it in one of his church letters.
At least click on it or look it up. This guy is INCREDIBLE. He told me more today than I have EVER learned at one time in my life. He broke down 9 reasons we sin and 9 redemptive factors in life. It broke down life into easy-to-understand aspects that covered everything... I can't even BEGIN to explain it. This man is needed SO BAD in this generation of sexually wounded people, or even if you aren't, any sin you have or any problem you have can be addressed according to the way Sy breaks life down.
He uses cutting-edge research the APA publishes along with twenty-plus years of experience to explain what's happening psychologically when, say, a boy is raised with no male father, or a girl is sexually abused, or a guy self-identifies as homosexual in an attempt to get love from the same sex because his father didn't self-express love to him. He explains it so well, it all makes sense, it was just great stuff, and he has DVDs online at his website... and it was the BEST TALK OF MY LIFE! Clarified so many things for me and gave me a clear vision of how to handle life even if I don't have all the answers right now.
This man will change your life if you watch his life story speech and his other stuff. He condensed a 45 hour course into 6 hours, so that's how long we sat and listened to him, with three breaks in between. It flew by.
Special thanks to God for bringing Sy to speak with us and to Sy himself, for the man was once trying to obtain love by being a self-professed homosexual, but God saved him. And he genuinely had those desires.
BEFORE READING. If I get emotional, it's because I have a lot in my past that still makes me grit my teeth. I'm giving it to Christ, but it is not an instant event. Jesus never said forgiving took seconds, or days, or any other time.
Sy told us this key pivot point of his talk. God didn't say "try to be straight, Sy.", but rather "give up your past and follow me!" Do not focus on the symptoms people, focus on the cause, don't criticize people and tell them to stop being gay, focus on the cause, redeem them through Christ and show His love! What redeems you is not "being straight" but being redeemed through Christ and having faith in him! Read Galatians and Colossians 3:23! Why do you think that God made being gay even possible? Surely you don't think it's incurable! Surely you don't think it's an inescapable stigma! Surely you aren't convinced that it is somehow greater than any of your least noticeable sins!
For in the end it is not obeying the law that saves us. It is not following norms and pleasing people's expectations or obeying any rule at all. And all sin is equal... for it makes us fallen.
I never heard this version of Christianity before college.
We are saved by faith in Jesus. What a revolutionary idea! That suddenly in order to "win", we must first not "try to be sexually straight", but rather painfully and slowly give our burdens and emotional insecurities to Christ! THANK GOD FOR THAT! Thank God that the goal is not simply becoming straight (becoming righteous through what we do is impossible, just read Galatians), but rather THE GOAL IS INVITING JESUS IN and saying YES GOD IT IS YOU I NEED SO MUCH RIGHT NOW, my life is in ruins and I'm shattered, I SUBMIT my filth and my heart to you! Teach me to resolve my problems and address them, not rely on you for a magical zapping instant cure! Teach me to LOVE YOU more than any other thing!
For with sin, the only way to conquer it is to love God more. It all comes down to desires. Colossians 3:23. Look it up. Rules like "don't eat, don't touch, don't masturbate, don't cuss, DON'T SPEED, don't flick someone off" DON'T WORK! They do NOT WORK! How do you stop then? BY FREAKIN FAITH! FAITH FAITH FAITH! Faith in Jesus when you give Him your life in utter submission and you say to Christ "no matter how long it takes, make me into the kind of person You want me to be".
Everybody is fallen.
Everybody hungers for love.
Everybody is a sexual creature.
For these reasons, we mess up, and big time. And although people will HATE you, and devalue you, and spit in your face however metaphorically, God WILL PICK YOU. God picks the people that NO ONE ELSE picks.
Ultimately, God didn't say "Obey me and love!" to be a contolling rule freak. It was out of love!
Psalm 103. David says, "God does not treat me like my sin deserves." That is the definition of grace.
And because most pastors in the conservative Christian church seldom if ever take an active role in self-disclosing the truth that they aren't perfect, somehow they establish this air about them that they are. By default, if they don't go into detail about how they're ordinary fallen people, we are led to believe that they are somehow more righteous, especially in the sexual realm. But according to Sy, anointing and appointing do not make you invincible to sexual impurity. Look at all the scandals! Don't you think they all thought they were above that? If they hadn't, they wouldn't have hid it so long.
Do you hunger for good, applicable sermons? Try addressing some REAL issues! How about sexual violation? At least one in eleven boys has been sexually violated by their late teenage years! At that rate, don't you think your church has some? Don't you think they need to hear that? What holds you back as a distributor of God's love from preaching about that stuff? It messes people up, it's a real problem! You are like the people written to in Hebrews who are living off of spiritual "baby food"! You aren't maturing and exploring deep applicable issues, but instead, you are going over the same material year after year! Feel-good stories! and what's more, you do little to get diverse opinions of the same story or parable for different perspectives! Bible reruns are NOT GOOD for the soul!
The world is crying out for you and me! People are hurting! And Sy said that most of the time, it's not that they don't know God, it's just that they doubt his character. Are you ready to model the kind of tolerance and love that God showed you, as filthy as you and I are? Can you really stand beside a lesbian her whole life and watch her defoul her body and waste away in unfulfillment while you withdraw your love and attention from her? Have you not misused your body before too? Have you not drank or masturbated or had sex or smoked or anything physically or psychologically harmful, that you are without sin? Get out there, make friends, and DEAL WITH IT. If you want mercy, give it. But to forgive, you have to accept forgiveness first. And to accept forgiveness, you have to realize you are utterly more sinful than you ever deemed possible. People are confused about Christianity because they do things in the wrong order. Do it in that order, and you will understand that there is a stepping stone #1, and 2, and 3...
Lastly, I'll make a point regarding bad relationships. Ever wanna know why two people stay together even if it sucks? Because everyone needs love, bad love is better than no love at all. Feed off of God or off of somebody, but feed you will. Bad bread is better than no bread.
Amazing thing about Christ, according to Psalm 107, is this: He doesn't take away my appetite. He just satisfies it rightly.
Praise God that I finally have something to live passionately for! Even if I do go on "talking on and on like a fool", as Paul puts it in one of his church letters.
A Personal First
Today is Tuesday the 23rd. Today I shared the "Knowing God Personally" booklet with a guy at Medgar Evers, the historically black college. I talked with him for like an hour, and he loved to talk about life and spiritual perceptions and the truth. This guy knows God is real, but he never really made it his own. I feel like he's a step closer because I tried to nail down some core truths to the gospel with him and he agreed with them. We got his contact info and he got ours, and he said he'd love to try a Bible study if we got one started there at his college. Hopefully, he'll get saved and keep developing his faith. I stressed the neccessity of a personal relationship with Jesus and he agreed that that's the only way it really means anything at all, besides an empty set of rules. He at the very least knows the existence of God and always believed. He says you can't deny truth which is self-evident, and he sees God that way. He just doesn't really know Him personally quite yet as a friend and perpetual source of love and acceptance... although I think he's really close. But it was the first time I'd gone through that booklet, alone. I'm amazed at what I can do through Christ who strengthens me.
Monday, June 22, 2009
A Taste for Adventure
ADVENTURE. The advent of something new. We all crave it. We're lost and depressed without it.
I have discovered that True Christianity, if we take it to heart and focus on God instead of ourselves, will give us a satisfying understanding that there is ALWAYS something new to do, some new terrifying task like talking to that guy over there about Christ, or wandering through African jungles spreading the gospel to suspicious natives who have never heard of Him.
Men and women alike have a thirst for adventure. It's the reason we ride roller coasters and run away from home. It's the reason people do drugs and try to avoid fitting in with the crowd. It's the reason we love car trips to the mountains and our first time sailing. We hunger for experiences that give us more. Think not everyone is like that? Think again. Even kids these days hunger for more. Why do you think they keep buying more and more expensive gaming consoles and go through a game every month? They love defeating things and moving on to more novel pursuits.
In Christ, we will do some of the most unexpected things. Who else goes up to someone and in genuinely caring about their soul, shares their faith? Don't you think that is scary? Don't you think that is unexpected? Don't you think that's what we need to actually change the world?
God has been challenging me to give up my crap and shift my focus. It's no longer about me, but about Christ. Or at least, that's what I hope. It's an ongoing battle.
I just want to leave you with this idea: if you're left unsatisfied in your natural yearning for adventure and passionate living, you haven't yet realized the radical nature of what we believe. Because believe it or not, it is actually VERY HARD to believe a virgin had a baby, somehow that baby was God, and that He knows every hair on everyone's head ever made before and after his birth and death. That's a lot of people to know... let alone care about. So you can be sure, Christianity is radical. And religion for the sake of religion is a sham. A religion is more about rules than about love and believing the unexpected and impossible will happen. A RELATIONSHIP is the only thing that will give you genuine heartfelt desires of love and peace.
Why do you think the whole world wants Heaven? To save their own skins. Naturally. What people don't understand is this: there are some people who genuinely don't want to go to Heaven just to save their skin. The key is this: the Christian life is characterized by brokenness. Once broken, we realize that this state of mind is possible, in which we really GENUINELY don't care about saving our own skins. That's not why we want to go to Heaven.
Ask yourself this... if Heaven and Hell were the same amazingly good place, and the only difference is that God were not in Hell, would you still want to go to Heaven? Do you really want God's company? Do you talk to Him everyday and listen to Him like an "abba", or "daddy"?
Join the movement. It's to die for.
I have discovered that True Christianity, if we take it to heart and focus on God instead of ourselves, will give us a satisfying understanding that there is ALWAYS something new to do, some new terrifying task like talking to that guy over there about Christ, or wandering through African jungles spreading the gospel to suspicious natives who have never heard of Him.
Men and women alike have a thirst for adventure. It's the reason we ride roller coasters and run away from home. It's the reason people do drugs and try to avoid fitting in with the crowd. It's the reason we love car trips to the mountains and our first time sailing. We hunger for experiences that give us more. Think not everyone is like that? Think again. Even kids these days hunger for more. Why do you think they keep buying more and more expensive gaming consoles and go through a game every month? They love defeating things and moving on to more novel pursuits.
In Christ, we will do some of the most unexpected things. Who else goes up to someone and in genuinely caring about their soul, shares their faith? Don't you think that is scary? Don't you think that is unexpected? Don't you think that's what we need to actually change the world?
God has been challenging me to give up my crap and shift my focus. It's no longer about me, but about Christ. Or at least, that's what I hope. It's an ongoing battle.
I just want to leave you with this idea: if you're left unsatisfied in your natural yearning for adventure and passionate living, you haven't yet realized the radical nature of what we believe. Because believe it or not, it is actually VERY HARD to believe a virgin had a baby, somehow that baby was God, and that He knows every hair on everyone's head ever made before and after his birth and death. That's a lot of people to know... let alone care about. So you can be sure, Christianity is radical. And religion for the sake of religion is a sham. A religion is more about rules than about love and believing the unexpected and impossible will happen. A RELATIONSHIP is the only thing that will give you genuine heartfelt desires of love and peace.
Why do you think the whole world wants Heaven? To save their own skins. Naturally. What people don't understand is this: there are some people who genuinely don't want to go to Heaven just to save their skin. The key is this: the Christian life is characterized by brokenness. Once broken, we realize that this state of mind is possible, in which we really GENUINELY don't care about saving our own skins. That's not why we want to go to Heaven.
Ask yourself this... if Heaven and Hell were the same amazingly good place, and the only difference is that God were not in Hell, would you still want to go to Heaven? Do you really want God's company? Do you talk to Him everyday and listen to Him like an "abba", or "daddy"?
Join the movement. It's to die for.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday 19th Update: Cosmic art
I just wanted to blog about an interesting piece of art I bought, it's awesome cause that's an understatement, the guy who did it was British and he painted it with spray paint and stencils and made it in 5 minutes. I watched the whole thing. Here are some pictures. The highlight of my time with Terry and Matt today. It depicts the NY skyline but with some really cool scenery and in neon colors. Scifi - ish.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday 18th Evangelism Update
I've been doing good this week with blogging. I've remembered. Anyway, since today was a rainy day, we had to go to a different campus (one that would actually allow us inside).
So we went to Hunter's College. It was weird... the building had a subway entrance in it so we just ended up right in there. Anyway, long story short, the students really liked when we did Soularium with them. If you don't know what that is, it's a set of photographs that are numbered and the questions go like this, cause it's a photo survey:
What 3 photos does your life look like now and why
What 3 do you want it to look like and why
What photo do you think represents God and why
What 3 photos best symbolize your religious experience and why
What 3 photos symbolize what you want your religious experience to be and why
(while writing all this information down at the same time)
If they seem interested or you know a way to lead into talking about the KGP, then after those questions, go for it. We had a girl really interested who was really emotional and excited to know Christ but she didn't want to go fully through with it because it was all too much at once and she just wasn't really mentally ready. Perhaps she was and was just stalling... people think life will be lame after accepting Christ, as if it's a question of giving up fun. But I don't think that was really her main issue. She really wants a relationship with Christ, and didn't know how to have it because it felt like there was a locked door in front of her. What's interesting and amazing is that she said she was praying in the hall about that very issue when she turned the corner and saw us with our Soularium laid out on the table.
We talked with many others but none accepted Christ. There were a lot of Hindu-influenced people who thought God was in everything and thereby reduced to a non-thinking entity confined to being nothing more than "cyclical" and "alive" and "it is what it is".
In any case... a very productive day. God again proved to me that what I emotionally deemed impossible is quite possible.
So we went to Hunter's College. It was weird... the building had a subway entrance in it so we just ended up right in there. Anyway, long story short, the students really liked when we did Soularium with them. If you don't know what that is, it's a set of photographs that are numbered and the questions go like this, cause it's a photo survey:
What 3 photos does your life look like now and why
What 3 do you want it to look like and why
What photo do you think represents God and why
What 3 photos best symbolize your religious experience and why
What 3 photos symbolize what you want your religious experience to be and why
(while writing all this information down at the same time)
If they seem interested or you know a way to lead into talking about the KGP, then after those questions, go for it. We had a girl really interested who was really emotional and excited to know Christ but she didn't want to go fully through with it because it was all too much at once and she just wasn't really mentally ready. Perhaps she was and was just stalling... people think life will be lame after accepting Christ, as if it's a question of giving up fun. But I don't think that was really her main issue. She really wants a relationship with Christ, and didn't know how to have it because it felt like there was a locked door in front of her. What's interesting and amazing is that she said she was praying in the hall about that very issue when she turned the corner and saw us with our Soularium laid out on the table.
We talked with many others but none accepted Christ. There were a lot of Hindu-influenced people who thought God was in everything and thereby reduced to a non-thinking entity confined to being nothing more than "cyclical" and "alive" and "it is what it is".
In any case... a very productive day. God again proved to me that what I emotionally deemed impossible is quite possible.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wednesday 17th Update
I just wanted to vomit up some random details of my life and what happened today even though no one's reading. Today, we did evangelism on Polytechnic University, a division of NYU. Engineering school... get your degree, and get out. Little on-campus housing = little campus involvement in clubs from students. So the students aren't mostly accustomed to talking about religion or having it surface outside of school.
So today at Polytech, (we were doing surveys on religiosity) and my friend did a survey with this guy who wasn't really involved. I'd say that he was isolated and a little lost, but he did at least identify God as his friend and helper. We got his contact info, and we'll follow up. We really wanna go through the 4 spiritual laws with him (the gospel summarized). Anyway, my friends Alex and Andrea actually brought some guy to Christ today. They went through the KGP (4 spiritual laws) and they were talking about God's love and salvation and rescue and he said "yeah i really want that" or something like that and they prayed a prayer with him. So that was awesome and we were really excited about that. I mean hey, Christ does amazing things and His power is present and working, and we were honored to witness that.
I myself had an interesting conversation with a Hindu man. We both parted with mutual respect for each other. Both I and he agree that a personal, meaningful faith is essential and that to say you believe something but not actually really care about it or use it is a tragedy.
Let's just say that today I also learned that life is full of highs and lows you can't foresee. And for my mistakes and the times that I hurt people, intentionally or not, I am so sorry...
So today at Polytech, (we were doing surveys on religiosity) and my friend did a survey with this guy who wasn't really involved. I'd say that he was isolated and a little lost, but he did at least identify God as his friend and helper. We got his contact info, and we'll follow up. We really wanna go through the 4 spiritual laws with him (the gospel summarized). Anyway, my friends Alex and Andrea actually brought some guy to Christ today. They went through the KGP (4 spiritual laws) and they were talking about God's love and salvation and rescue and he said "yeah i really want that" or something like that and they prayed a prayer with him. So that was awesome and we were really excited about that. I mean hey, Christ does amazing things and His power is present and working, and we were honored to witness that.
I myself had an interesting conversation with a Hindu man. We both parted with mutual respect for each other. Both I and he agree that a personal, meaningful faith is essential and that to say you believe something but not actually really care about it or use it is a tragedy.
Let's just say that today I also learned that life is full of highs and lows you can't foresee. And for my mistakes and the times that I hurt people, intentionally or not, I am so sorry...
Tuesday 16th Update
Hello! Hey you guys, just wanted to say the past few days have been really stressful for me, I've just been feeling upset about myself, and Christ has already given me tools to self-examine, and basically the cause is that I base my self-worth in things like photography skills and my positive attributes. I act like they make me so great, that I get absorbed into them and pay more and more attention to them until it becomes an idol. It's what I live for, day to day. But I've been depressed the past few days because I can see that others really care about this city, genuinely, and aren't faking it. I've faced the realization that I don't care about a lot of these people (lack of compassion) and I'm not the only one who feels that way.
Now, whenever I have an issue like this, God always throws something in my face like a quote or a book or something that answers my dilemna exactly. The answer came in the form of "Questioning Evangelism" by Randy Newman. There's a whole chapter about how as Christians, often we just don't care about people. We might say to ourselves, well, they deserve Hell for this reason or that reason. However, God is described in the book of Jonah as being concerned about Nineveh as being a "great city" worthy of pursuing, despite its evil. The solution, according to Newman's book, is to pray for compassion. I'm doing that this week, and afterwards. Please pray for me, that I might care enough for this city that I have an impact. That what I do is for God and not for my own confidence in my own ability and human effort (read Galatians and you'll understand my drift). The proper order: Pray, get peace, then get results. Not: pray, get results, then get peace. You see, it is not about us. Do not wait for God to "come through for you" in the one way you expect and want and prefer. He has His own plans, and they are more than adequate for changing the world. READ Habbakuk 2:3.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Color and Jewelry
I took this photo on Coney Island today. Bought something for my girlfriend. Shhhh don't tell anyone ; ) Anyway, I love this photo. I bought a hat there today too. It's kinda Italian looking, brown wool, kinda like a fedora. It's definitely me. New York is great! I <3 NY
NYC Update 1
Hello all! I've been in New York since Tuesday and it's Saturday now. I'm writing just to say everything's great. I'm going to keep you posted. My main battle right now is pain, in my back, neck, and feet. However, as I move on campus, it will probably become my fear. However, I should hope that I love God enough to tell others about Him if the opportunity arises.
I'm loving the photography opportunities. Hoping I can go check out the camera store for a used lens. Made a friend, Jon Chen, he's a pretty cool asian. He knows photog. Thinking of going with him.
I can see how long-distance relationships are hard. Fortunately, this is why I think mine will be ok: it isn't based in physicality. It's founded in our love for Jesus and the core of who we are in front of God. We know we're helpless without Him. Life just falls apart and means nothing without Him. And 5.5 weeks is not that long of a time. ESP in New York, the city where everything flies by and you don't know what hit you. I've already come close to being temporary road meat. And they'll definitely hit you! No worries. Live or die, it's all for Christ. I really don't know which is better. Although I'd have to say I prefer living still, simply because, I'm selfish. After all, my life is not my own. But everything relates to Christ. I am not "suddenly getting philosophical", as some say to me. If you do not let Christ define everything, you're looking at a warped picture of reality.
I've been slowly but surely focusing on God... little by little. I can't seem to slow down. Between taking photos and simply walking, I haven't had a spare moment! I only yesterday was able to write my letter to my girlfriend. So haven't had much time. But God should be first. And please pray that He will become so real in my head and in my life that it scares me. I really don't have an easy time praying. It's a battle to even concentrate and believe it. -G
I'm loving the photography opportunities. Hoping I can go check out the camera store for a used lens. Made a friend, Jon Chen, he's a pretty cool asian. He knows photog. Thinking of going with him.
I can see how long-distance relationships are hard. Fortunately, this is why I think mine will be ok: it isn't based in physicality. It's founded in our love for Jesus and the core of who we are in front of God. We know we're helpless without Him. Life just falls apart and means nothing without Him. And 5.5 weeks is not that long of a time. ESP in New York, the city where everything flies by and you don't know what hit you. I've already come close to being temporary road meat. And they'll definitely hit you! No worries. Live or die, it's all for Christ. I really don't know which is better. Although I'd have to say I prefer living still, simply because, I'm selfish. After all, my life is not my own. But everything relates to Christ. I am not "suddenly getting philosophical", as some say to me. If you do not let Christ define everything, you're looking at a warped picture of reality.
I've been slowly but surely focusing on God... little by little. I can't seem to slow down. Between taking photos and simply walking, I haven't had a spare moment! I only yesterday was able to write my letter to my girlfriend. So haven't had much time. But God should be first. And please pray that He will become so real in my head and in my life that it scares me. I really don't have an easy time praying. It's a battle to even concentrate and believe it. -G
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