So this is just some dumb improv, it has some good parts but I wasn't really trying. Just thought I'd put it up. I like the part where it's F-G-C, F-G-C-A minor. Kinda pretty.
It starts with this pretty little tinkly part that I don't know how to describe any other way but then quickly my brain gets scrambled in the song, you can tell. Because the song diverts into some other weird thing. Has some ok parts though. I'll probably post the next attempt at it in a few days. It was going to be called dinnersong or something like that because I was playing it in White Hall once and a guy and his girlfriend were sitting there, and the guy said "Hey you should play that for us on a date, I would pay you." Haha but he was more kidding than anything.
I like "dinnersong". I'll call you next time I set up a romantic dinner.