Thursday, January 1, 2009

What I learned from Winter Conference

To God, Campus Crusade, and the people therein, thank you for the chance to come to Encounter 08.

This conference was absolutely awesome. I had the joy of being challenged so much in my faith with so many great points. I'll leave some of them below:
+Give first! Don't wait until you feel like giving. Giving moves your heart to want to do it.

+You don't give because you're inherently a good person. First and foremost, the reason you give is because it is God's. God gave it to you, and you own nothing.

+Giving=worship. Every moment you have is an opportunity to give your time to others.

+Pray for all situations, don't suddenly get spiritual with only dramatic events like overseas trips and evangelism.

+Why are you doing what you're doing? Is it for you or for God?

+"Christians don't tell lies. They just sing them." In other words, often our conversation with God is mechanical, without any thought or intent behind the words. We know its true when we say we give up our idols and lives and yet there's nothing different at all.

+How many non-Christian friends do you have? How many can you name that need to hear the Gospel? Most people come to Christ not through mass events, but personal evangelism.

+Be very careful not to fall into the trap of the western view of 'entitlement' to reward based on works. Doing good may not equal getting it back here on Earth! This life is not all we have, and Heaven is more than enough reward for those who love Christ.

+Our biggest restriction is not physical confinement, like when Paul was jailed in Phillipians 1:12. Our biggest restriction is our head. Do not put limits on God and what He can do.

+Rivalry is a dangerous sin that can pop up in one's efforts at ministry.

+If God is to be able to trust you to continue the ministry, you must be characterized by brokenness. Do not get all smiley and cute upon having success. You do not succeed because of your own charisma, but because God allows you to.

+Rejoicing is not confined to being only a product of joyful, favorable outcomes. It's based in Jesus alone, He's the only thing really worth rejoicing over in the end!

+I have everything I need to thrive in every situation I'm in.

+Don't seek from a woman what only Jesus can give! (in reference to an emotional connection, emotional infidelity).

+Boundaries are to be established before getting in a relationship.

+The spiritual aspect of a relationship is to be its foundation or core, not the physical. The core is a relationship's fuel. The physical will die, but the spiritual will burn forever.

+With homosexuality, the issue is not the people's tendency to be homosexual in behavior. The greater issue is idolatry, which we all are guilty of in some capacity. Sex is a common idol. Are you worshipping God with your body, or something else? And what does God say about homosexuality? Leviticus 18:22.

+As for masturbation, ask God to keep you aware of how the people who care for you feel about that. It is sinful because:
1. it's a form of lust
2. it's addictive and becomes a parasite, growing as an aspect of our lives
3. the purpose of the gift of sex is a celebration of two peoples' oneness, pleasure, and lifelong commitment. And God says in Scripture that the woman owns the man's body and the man own's the woman's, so technically it's robbing the other (present or future partner) of having that gift to themselves and God. 1 Corinthians 7:4.
4. It's self-serving.

+Do you know God, or do you only know about Him?

+The greatest thing that God can give you is not relief from hardship. It's his Son.

+Our identity is not tied to what we do, but to who God is.

+Turn off the iPod, and find God in the silence. He's talking to you, so free up your brain so you can listen to Him.
These are only a few things I wrote down. They were all huge with me. A lot of times retreats and conferences don't impact people. That's because they don't have a submissive spirit of prayer and a desire to care. This time, I did, so I got something out of it.

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