Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One quick note

I would like to point out that in my previous post I left out the fact that the wrath of God is not always passive (abandoning us to our sin) but sometimes it is indeed active (Sodom and Gamorrah, and Aaron's sons dying after touching the Ark). In the New Testament it can even be seen when believers take Communion without reconciling themselves to their brothers... in so doing, they drink God's judgement upon themselves, according to Paul. So God doesn't always leave us alone. But when He does, that's in a way scarier than fire and destruction because we're left alone to sin and become more and more blind.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

When God says "Whatever"

I just noticed that Proverbs 1:31 and Romans 1:24 are about the same exact thing. When we ignore God's input, He abandons us to our desires and things get really dark. That's what's so scary: we're left to our own lawlessness and its ill effects when we walk outside of the design for how things SHOULD work.

I have been refreshing my mind with the wisdom of Matt Chandler recently and I remember him saying in one podcast that in reference to Romans 1, when mankind turns away from Him and worships itself and the creation over the Creator, God's response is not instant lightning bolts and death, although we do see that plenty in the days before the new Covenant. God's response is often, "ok." He abandons us to our shameful desires and all forms of sin that we champion as "our way" and "our life". When we hold no regard to what our holy God wants for us, and ignore Scripture that so clearly tells us the desires of God, we spit in His face.

Isaiah 45:19 says that God "publicly proclaims bold promises; He does not whisper obscurities in some dark corner so that no one can understand what He means; He would not have told His people to seek Him if He could not be found". So, when we claim that "oooh God didn't say I couldn't do it so I'm gonna do it and get away with it", and you haven't even read the Bible to make sure, what a joke you are! Small reward people like you will reap when you are content to let your faith get no larger than the distance from your TV to the dusty Bible on your nightstand. The world blasphems the name of God because of people with shallow faith. Again, just quoting Scripture here.

Back to the topic. If we do not listen to the voice of Wisdom, shouting in the streets as in Proverbs 1, then we are lost to our own devices and desires (which always, eventually bring us down).

So does God never rebuke and lead us to repentance? Of course He does! But sometimes He abandons us to our own devices so that we can realize how much we need Him.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Dating Question

It has been almost a year since I have dated. Usually about a year happens between each one... but this time, there's no time limit. It's whatever. I'm not looking for just fun, I'm looking for a wife, and I'm tired of the games people play. 

In the past, I have been clingy, emotionally unstable, judgemental, and probably lots of other negative things. I could spill the ugly details of a young man's confused struggle towards righteousness, but I'll spare you.
I just want to say that historically I have struggled with the "need" for someone special in my life. I've just always felt like I need her. And in some respect, I do. We all long to be understood and affirmed for who we want to be. It's just that now, I know that no amount of control I can exert on my life to "meet the right lady" or "pull off some slick moves" will achieve my dreams exactly the right way. 

What is the right way? Is it something that I can just think up? Or is that something hidden in the mind of God? Maybe I should stop "doing life" the way I think inside the box, and actually pay attention to what God is saying to me through His Word. Maybe I'm single for a reason. Maybe I need to learn how to be happy with myself and by myself before I can satisfy anyone else! Maybe the question is not whether the Bible is relevant, but rather when I'm going to realize it is!

People... just wake up. Love is... so amazing, it really is. But if you chronically pine away, wondering who the next new sexy "her" or "him" will be... you probably aren't making God your whole pursuit. I know this about myself... that I love women more than I love God sometimes. 

Just remember that. I love each and every one of you because Christ wants me to and He puts that desire in me. Love has way too much meaning for us to sit and play with it like it's a toy. 1 Corinthians 13.  

Love is SO much more than a game.